New dance school. New people. New teachers. New method. New work ethic.
And now I find myself crusing with talented kids years younger than me. I'm not saying I think I can do a better job than any of them (though I wish I could) because I'm not, but I am a wee uncomfortable being so technically behind as they watch me attempt a jazz travel step they've rehearsed countless times before. Red faced mania in that one hour of Tap and Jazz class, I tell ya.
But I'm staying because I want to be good. That school is clearly one of the better academies (I don't even want to think of how bad I now realize that school I belonged to before actually was!) and so, I will soon find myself exhausted and sore before my Saturday afternoons have even begun.
Lots of work to do! And how perfect; the school year has just begun right along with it.

And now I find myself crusing with talented kids years younger than me. I'm not saying I think I can do a better job than any of them (though I wish I could) because I'm not, but I am a wee uncomfortable being so technically behind as they watch me attempt a jazz travel step they've rehearsed countless times before. Red faced mania in that one hour of Tap and Jazz class, I tell ya.
But I'm staying because I want to be good. That school is clearly one of the better academies (I don't even want to think of how bad I now realize that school I belonged to before actually was!) and so, I will soon find myself exhausted and sore before my Saturday afternoons have even begun.
Lots of work to do! And how perfect; the school year has just begun right along with it.
"Nice work if you can get it---and you can get it if you try"
- The Gershwin bruddahs

I've always loved the Gaynor Minden tag line. :)