
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Whimsy Words: Purple...eyeliner?

Halloween is long gone and the jolly season of Christmas is almost upon the world's merry citizens.
So why on earth am I holding this purple pencil my best friend bought me? Everyone who knows me know my hands should be kept as far away from the make up counter as possible. I just can't comprehend the stuff!

It's not just that. It's PURPLE. Purple. Puuuuurple. (Great, now the word sounds weird.) Okay, there's probably some top secret technique so that it for public display...; but at the moment, I look like a semi-sadist's girlfriend with this violent looking bruise around my eyes. Real glamourous.
And now I conclude this enlightening post to amuse myself with this fascinating piece of cosmetic by embellishing my face with colourful, not-theatrical-at-all evidence of my healthy relationship with above lover. Creativity is the key!

Have you ever received a present and just thought: "What the heck am I going to need THIS for?!!"

Merry Xmas everyone!

Your friendly neighbourhood Margaret x


  1. Lovely change in blog template. Have a happy holiday!

  2. LoL...I feel the same way when I try to put on purple eyeshadow; I guess it was really on made for mac make-up artist pros. BTW thanks for stopping by and letting me know about my comment box, I will try to have it fixed by the morning.
